World Earth Day 2021 :- Theme and significance of earth day


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Google doodle celebrates world earth day 2021

Every year 22 april is being celebrated as a World Earth day. This year, there is 51st world earth day. This day is celebrated on the world for awaring people about the mother earth. Restore our earth is the theme of this year’s earth day. Google published doodle on this occassion. In this, woman is reading book and her daughter planting seeds.

This encourages people to plant seeds and also encourage to next generation for planting seeds for their better future. It will help in protecting our environment. Google shows video in which each generation is planting seeds and also encouraging to their next generation for it.

Theme of world earth day, 2021

Theme of this year’s world earth day is to “Restore our earth” which focuses on natural processes and emerging green technologies that can restore world’s ecosystem. In this way, the theme rejects the notion that mitigation or adaptation are the only ways to address the climate change.

History and significance of world earth day

World earth day had been birthed by Gaylord Nelson, a US senator from wisconsin. First time the world earth day had been celebrated on 22 april, 1977. Since then world earth day has been celebrating every year. This day teach us to protect our earth for the better and greener future. We use to live on the planet earth and for the well being of every living things protection of the earth should be our first priority.

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