NEET PG 2023 Result has been declared by the NBEMS at Here know how to check the result from the official website. Direct link of the result is also available below.

The National Board of Exams in Medical Sciences (NBEMS) has declared the NEET PG 2023 Result today on March 14, 2023. Candidates who have appeared in the exam can check their result from the official website or
NEET PG 2023 exam was conducted on March 5, 2023 for admission to MD/MS/DNB/Diploma courses of 2023-24 admission session. About 2.9 lakh candidates registered for the exam this year.
Individual scorecards of the candidates who appeared in NEET PG 2023 can be downloaded from the official website on or after March 25, 2023.
In accordance with the minimum qualifying/eligibility criteria for admission to MD/MS/DNB/Diploma Courses as mentioned in the Information Bulletin for NEET-PG 2023, the cut-off scores for various categories are as follows:
Category | Minimum Qualifying/Eligibility Criteria | Cut-off Scores (out of 800) |
General/EWS | 50th Percentile | 291 |
General-PwBD | 45th Percentile | 274 |
SC/ST/ OBC (Including PwBD of SC/ST/OBC) | 40th Percentile | 257 |
NEET PG 2023 Result:- Union Health Minister congratulates qualified students
Union Health Minister Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya congratulates all students who declared qualified in results. He tweeted, “The result of NEET-PG 2023 has been announced today! Congrats to all students declared qualified in results. NBEMS has again done a great job by successfully conducting NEET-PG exams & declaring results in a record time. I appreciate their efforts!”
How to check NEET PG 2023 Result online?
Step 1. Visit the official website
Step 2. On the homepage, click on ‘NEET PG’ link
Step 3. It will be redirected to a new page, click on ‘Results’ link
Step 4. Then, click on NEET PG 2023 Result link
Step 5. A pdf file will open on your screen
Step 6. In the pdf, click on the link that reads ‘Click here to view the result of NEET-PG 2023’
Step 7. Then, a new pdf file will open, search your roll number in that pdf.
Direct link of NEET PG 2023 Result
NBEMS wrote in a statement, “Each and every question in NEET-PG 2023 was reviewed by the subject matter experts from the concerned specialty after the conduct of NEET-PG 2023 to re-check for technical correctness of the questions as well as answer keys. As per the inputs from the subject matter experts, no question
was found to be technically incorrect or ambiguous”.
Also Read:- CTET Result 2022 declared at; direct link here
Also Read:- NEET PG 2023 Admit Card released at; know how to check and other details