World Bicycle Day 2024:- This day was first observed in 2018, when the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution during its 72nd Regular session. Here’s all you need to know about the date, significance and benefits of World Bicycle Day.

June 3 is observed as World Bicycle Day across the globe. This day was declared by the United Nations General Assembly in April, 2018 after observing the longevity, uniqueness and versatility of the Bicycle. Everyone knows the importance of bicycle in the human life. It keeps fit not only the body but also the environment.
United Nations Resolution for World Bicycle Day was promoted by Professor Leszek Siblisk through the campaign. Eventually, 56 countries supported the campaign led by Leszek Siblisk.
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World Bicycle Day 2024:- Significance
Bicycle has been in use for two centuries. People of all age groups adults as well as elders admire the use of bicycle. Especially, kids enjoy the ride of bicycle very much. It is a base for learning any other two-wheeler. Bicycle is zero pollution transportation mode.
On this day, people across the world organise cycle races, slow cycle races and many others. People spread awareness about the bicycle through an online mode.
World Bicycle Day 2024:- Benefits of Bicycle
People discuss the benefits of bicycle on this day. Bicycle is affordable for all the rich and poor people because it is very cheap as compared to other vehicles, so it also promotes inclusivity. It doesn’t do any discrimination between high and low class. Anyone can ride it without caring of money.
Besides environment friendly, bicycle also promotes good health. It improves the muscle strength and reduces the body fat. It controls the diabetes, sugar and blood pressure. It also reduces the stress level and improves brain power. In ancient times, this was the only mean of transport. That’s why people of ancient times were very fit.
With the development of technology, many new vehicles are coming in the market but no other vehicle can take the place of bicycle. We can celebrate this day by spreading awareness about the benefits of bicycle.
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