World Water Day 2021:- Theme and need of water in everyone’s life


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United Nations had started world water day on 22nd march,1993. Since 1993, it has been celebrating every year on 22nd march by the whole world. ‘Valuing Water’ is the theme of world water day 2021. It is about what water means to people.

We all know, water has great importance in everyone’s life. Human body is made up of five elements and water is one from them. There is 70% part of water in human body from which we can know the importance of water. Not only human beings but the other living beings also require water for survival.

Animals, birds, plants or trees require water for the growth and survival. Living beings can live without food for some days but they can’t survive much days without water because 70% part of human body is made up of water.

There is 70% water and 30% land on the earth but the water level is decreasing day by day. Human beings require fresh water for consumption but fresh water is very little as compared to salt water. Salt water is more than the fresh water on the earth which is not useful for human beings. It can cause various harmful diseases. Everyday 1000 childrens in the world, die because of polluted water and sanitation related disease.

So, the need is to save fresh water. This year’s theme is valuing water but in reality water has no value for most of the people. Only that people know the value of water where it is very little for use like water supply is not regular in 60% homes of South africa. They get water in 2-3 days. But where water is present in plenty that people give less or say no value to the water.

If we would start looking our everyday’s life, we will see that how much water we use in our daily life. Just after waking up, we use toilets where a lot of water we would waste. Then, for bathing, washing clothes, sanitation of floor, drinking etc.

After proper analysis, we will see that life is not possible without water. So, we should start giving value to the water.

If any waste particles leave from body that also contains water like sweat, urine etc. Water helps us in removing these toxins out of the body.

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