National film awards, 2021:- Kangana Ranaut wins best actress and Manoj Bajpayee best actor award

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 67th National awards have been announced by central government on monday 4 p.m. These awards are for films from the year 2019. This award ceremony is organised by the ministry of Information and Broadcasting.

Sushant Singh Rajput starrer ‘ Chhichhore’ wins the best film award in hindi. Marakkar:- Lion of the Arabian Sea which is in malayalam wins the best feature film award.

Kangana Ranaut wins the best actress award for her two films:- Panga and Manikarnika:- The Queen of Jhansi. She wins national award for fourth time.

Manoj Bajpayee wins the best actor award for his film Bhonsle in hindi. This is his third national award. Dhanush wins the best actor award for his tamil film Asurn.

Earlier, this event was supposed to be held in may last year but because of covid-19 pandemic, it had been postponed.

Here is the list of some national award winners:-

Best popular film – Maharishi (telugu)

Best telugu film – Jersey

Best tamil film –Asurn

Best feature film – Marakkar:- the lion of                                             arabian sea (malayalam)

Best children’s film – Kastoori (hindi) 

Best supporting actress – Pallavi joshi (the                                                       tashkent files) 

Best supporting actor – Vijay sethupathi for                                                    Super deluxe

Best male singer playback – B praak                                                                         (kesari)

Best female playback singer – Savani                                                               ravindra for bardo

Best choreography – Maharishi (telugu)

Best dialogue writer – The tashkent files                                              (Vivek ranjan agnihotri)

Best cinematography – Jallikattu (Gireesh                                                    gangadharan)

Best editing – Jersey (Naveen nooli)

Best director – Sanjay puran singh chauhan                                    (Bahattar hoorain)

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