Wear masks and save lives :- Google Doodle said on covid-19 prevention

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Google doodle is urging people to wear face mask for the prevention of covid-19

ovid-19 cases are rapidly surging in all over the world. Google Doodle urged people to wear masks and save lives for the prevention of covid-19. ‘Wear masks and save lives’ google tweeted on tuesday on the microblogging app. In India, more than 90000 cases have been finding for 3-4 days. India is the third worst hit country after United States and Brazil.

Google said that covid-19 is spreading in all communities in all over the world and help in controlling this. There is a famous quote “Prevention is better than cure.” Everyone need to take precautions for the prevention from covid-19. Precautions like wearing face mask, social distancing and sanitisation.

Following are the some precautions which help in preventing covid-19 :-

  • Wear face mask whenever you go outside from the home.
  • Keep 6 feet distance from other person which is known as social distancing.
  • Regularly wash your hands with soap and water or use alcohol based sanitiser.
  • Don’t touch your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Use your elbow or tissue paper while coughing or sneezing and immediately throw tissue in the dustbin.
  • Maintain distance from that person who coughs or sneezes.
  • If you feels any kind of tiredness and fever then immediately contact with the doctor.
  • Maintain distance from the people and also from the family members in case of any kind of illness.
  • Avoid going outside without any reason or work.
  • Keep giving information to people about these precautions.

Covid-19 situation is getting worsen across the world. Google doodle takes initiative and educates people to wear mask for preventing the covid-19. Google said that mask is still important.

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