Devastating Blaze Claims 73 Lives, Including Children, in Heart-Wrenching Johannesburg Tragedy

Emergency service authorities report that a tragic fire in Johannesburg’s central business district has resulted in the loss of at least 73 lives within a five-story building.

Johannesburg fire
Johannesburg fire claims atleast 73 lives. (Photo:-twitter)

A fire engulfed a five-story building in central Johannesburg, where numerous informal settlements were located, resulting in a tragic loss of at least 73 lives. Dozens of individuals sustained injuries as well.

Rescue teams painstakingly combed through each floor of the building, recovering charred remains and attending to survivors. Sadly, children were among the victims, as reported by local media.

The fire has been successfully extinguished, and over 50 additional people were wounded, as confirmed by Robert Mulaudzi, a representative from the city’s emergency services.

Videos captured mere moments after the fire’s eruption depict a dramatic scene of massive orange flames devouring the lower level of a structure, while a multitude of individuals gathers outside in shock.

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Photographs taken on Thursday morning portray curious onlookers encircling charred and restricted zones, shattered windows exposing the aftermath, and scattered clothing strewn haphazardly in the vicinity.

Although the exact cause of the inferno remains shrouded in uncertainty, authorities on-site have not provided any indication of intentional wrongdoing. The fire erupted at approximately 1:30 a.m. local time, catching many occupants unaware in their slumber.

The incident unfolded within a central Johannesburg building that had been “hijacked,” according to Mulaudzi, who noted the presence of what he described as “hundreds” of settlements within the structure.

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“Hijacked buildings,” a common sight throughout downtown Johannesburg, denote structures deserted by landlords and seized by gangs or other factions. These premises are frequently sublet to migrants and local South Africans who lack the financial means to secure alternative housing options.

Regrettably, this housing model often neglects essential safety standards. Officials present at the scene likened the building to an informal settlement, highlighting that the originally designed apartments, intended for two or three occupants, had been subdivided into sleeping spaces to accommodate multiple individuals.

The issue of “hijacked buildings” has attracted condemnation within South Africa, prompting endeavors to implement regulatory measures. Criticisms have arisen from some South Africans, asserting that authorities have not effectively addressed this predicament.

Across South Africa, the nation has witnessed several catastrophic fires in informal settlements over the past months.

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