World Kindness Day 2021:- History, Significance and ways to be kind to each other

 Every year Novemeber 13 is celebrated as the World Kindness Day. In Singapore, this day was first observed in 2009 and In the UK, this day was started on November 13, 2010. Know the history and significance of this day.

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World Kindness Day 2021 (pexels)

Kindness means to show love, compassion and good deeds towards the family members, colleagues and also towards the strangers. These small things can make a big difference in the world. Kindness doesn’t come from outside but it remains in the heart of a person. Being kind is not a tough task, there is no need of spending money rather a positive and good smile is enough for kindness.

Every year Novemeber 13 is celebrated as the World Kindness Day. It shows the importance of to be kind to each other. The World can become a better place by showing just a little kindness. In fact, good human beings are known from their kindness.

History of World Kindness Day

The World Kindness Day was started in the year 1998 by the World Kindness Movement which was formed at the 1997 Tokyo conference of like-minded kindness organisations from around the world. There are currently over 28 nations involved in this event.

In Singapore, this day was first observed in 2009 and In the UK, this day was started on November 13, 2010. The United States, Canada, Australia, Nigeria, United Arab Emirates, Italy and India also observed this day.

Significance of World Kindness Day

Kindness is in the basic human nature but now-a-days, many human beings turn unkind. They don’t care the feelings and emotions of other people and don’t think before hurting them. But in reality, human beings can’t be unkind. If any person is looking unkind that doesn’t mean he/she is not kind rather that person is hiding his/her kind side.

So, World Kindness Day plays a vital role in spreading love, compassion and kindness towards each other. It bridges the gap between the nations. People come close to each other with the help of kindness.

Here are 8 ways to be kind to each other

》Give gift to the family members by appreciating their work and their love towards the family.

》Bring some special food for the neighbours or relatives.

》Just give seat to the old person in the bus, train or rickshaw.

》Go outside and make someone smile.

》Sometimes even a compliment can make a big difference.

》Just appreciate person’s good work and encourage him/her to do that good work.

》Give a lift to the needy person on the road.

》Send some positive and good message to loved ones which make them feel good.

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