World Sight Day 2021:- How to keep the eyesight or vision healthy?

 The theme of World Sight Day 2021 is “Love your Eyes.” Eyes are one of the most important senses of human body. Here are some tips to keep the vision or eyesight healthy.

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How to keep the eyesight or vision healthy? (pexels)

World Sight day is observed on the second thursday of October every year. This year it falls on October 14 which draws the attention of public to the problem of vision impairment in the world. The theme of World Sight Day 2021 is “Love your Eyes.”

According to the WHO, about 2.2 billion people in the world have near and distant vision impairment. Eyes are one of the most important senses of human body. Vision impairment or weak eyesight can cause many problems in the day to day lifestyle.

Unoperated cataract and uncorrected refractive error are the leading causes of vision impairment. Other causes such as age related macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetes, infection of the eye and trauma.

How to keep the eyesight or vision healthy?

Here are 6 tips to keep the vision or eyesight healthy:-

Balanced Diet:- The eyes have to do the most work than any other part of the human body. So, taking care of the eyesight is very essential. Balanced diet helps a lot in this. For keeping the healthy vision, one need to consume the food enriched with omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamin A, C and E, zinc, iron and anti-oxidants. Green vegetables and fruits are the great sources of these things.

Reduce screen time:- Due to Covid-19 pandemic, screen time of students and professionals has increased a lot which results eye strain and eye tiredness. Work from home and study from home increased the use of electronic gadgets. Work is important but taking care of vision is more important because without vision we can’t do any kind of work. So, time to time break is required at the time of using gadgets. After 30 minutes, 20 seconds break is necessary for relaxing the eyes.

Protect from sunlight:- Prevention is better than cure. Eye or vision is the sensitive part so it needs to be prevented from every kind of thing which can harm it. For protecting the eyes from sunlight, one need to wear sunglasses. It protects the sight from the harmful rays of the sun. Eyes should also be protected from the dust particles.

Eye Exercises:- Proper and daily exercise can also keep the vision healthy. Full body exercise is good for the eyes and particular eye exercise is better for the vision. There are many eye exercises which one can do everyday for the good vision. Accupressure of the eyes can also help a lot.

Time to time Checkup:- Eye diseases can be prevented by time to time checkup of the eyes especially persons over the age of 50 because there are more chances of vision impairment after this age. If checkup is done from time to time then vision can be prevented from more loss.

Healthy Lifestyle:- Healthy lifestyle leads to a healthy eyesight. Proper rest and avoiding junk food helps in keeping the vision healthy. Tobacco and alcohol should not be consumed instead drink a plenty of water. 7-8 hours sleep is also necessary. All these things can help in keeping the eyesight good and healthy.

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