Google doodle honours Frank Kameny who was a gay rights activist

 Frank Edward Kameny was an astronomer, veteran and gay rights activist. Google doodle pays him tribute on the Pride month.

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Franklin Edward Kameny

On wednesday, Google doodle pays tribute to the Frank Edward Kameny who was an astronomer, World war 2 veteran and a gay rights activist. Google doodle shows the image of Frank Kameny in which he wearing colourful garland which pays tribute to him as we enters in the month of june which is celebrated as ‘Pride Month’ globally. 

Pride Month is celebrated to commemorate the Stonewall riots which had occurred in june 1969 in US. Google describes Kameny as one of the most prominent figures of the US LGBTQ rights movement.

Frank Edward Kameny was born on May 21, 1925 in Queens, New York. From the birth, he was gifted and talented. He was enrolled in Queens College to study physics just at the age of 15. He had also taken part in the World War 2. After this World War, he completed his doctorate in Astronomy from the Harvard University.

In the year 1957, he was started his work as an astronomer with the army map service but a few months later he was fired from the job on the order of executive as to banned the members of LGBTQ community from federal employment.

After the termination, he was filed a case against the federal government. In 1961, he filed a first gay rights appeal in the US Supreme court.

Frank Kameny organised one of the first gay rights advocacy groups in US. In the early 1970s, Kameny challenged American psychiatric Association’s classification of homosexuality as a mental disorder.

Frank Kameny was formally apologised by the US government in 2009 after 50 years of job lost from army map service.

In 2010, Washington D.C. named a stretch of 17th street NW near dupont circle “Frank Kameny Way”. 

Frank Kameny had died on 11 october,2011 in Washington D.C.

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