World Mental Health Day 2023:- This day raises awareness and educate people about the mental health. Here are some tips to maintain and improve the mental health.
World Mental Health Day 2023: Every year October 10 is celebrated as World Mental Health Day. This day raises awareness and educate people about the mental health issues. Mental health is as important as physical health even mental health is more important.
Mental health day was first celebrated on October 10, 1992 on the initiative of World Federation for Mental Health. Until 1994, there had no particular theme for this day. In 1994, first time theme was decided. The theme of World Mental Health Day 2023 is “Mental health is a universal human right.”
Everyone talks about physical health but no one talks about mental health. So, this day encourages people to speak in general about the mental health issues. Stress, depression and anxiety are the main causes of poor mental health and these cause suicidal thoughts. Therefore, good mental health is very important for living a happy life.
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Mentally healthy person can work productively, happily and without any stress. On the occasion of world mental health day 2023, here are some tips which can maintain and improve your mental health.
World Mental Health Day 2023:- How can we maintain and improve our mental health?
Wake up early in the morning:- Waking up early in the morning not only starts our day earlier but also improves mental health. It gives time to connect with the nature. Fresh air of the morning is a blessing to the human beings but who don’t wake up early, misses this blessing.
Do Exercise and Yoga daily:- After waking up early in the morning, we need to do exercise and yoga in the fresh air of early morning. Exercise increases dopamine level in the brain which reduces stress and depression. There are also many asanas and pranayams which leads good physical as well as mental health. Anulom vilom and kapalbhati pranayams are two of them.
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Eat healthy diet:- Diet is also directly related to mental health. Green vegetables and fruits contain proteins, minerals, carbohydrates, calcium, anti-oxidants which are good not only for the body but also for the brain. Healthy diet protects from many diseases and disease-free body automatically improves mental health.
Drink plenty of water:- Human body is made up of almost 70% water. So, water is very important for the body and brain. We need to drink atleast 8-10 glasses of water daily. It maintains the optimum oxygen level in the body and brain which leads to a good mental health.
Proper and deep sleep:- Sleep also plays a major role in the mental health. Sleep is the state when eyes are closed, body is inactive and brain relaxes. It means mind is not thinking anything. It increases the brain power and sleep should not be inadequate rather it should be proper and deep. Daily 7-8 hours sleep is necessary for a good mental health.
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