Google celebrates its 23rd birthday with animated doodle

 The animated doodle features a cake with ’23’ written on its top and a birthday candle substituting the word ‘L’ of ‘Google’. Google was co-founded by the Sergey Brin and Larry Page in 1998.

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Sundar Pichai is the current CEO of Google

Google celebrates its 23rd birthday through animated doodle on September 27, 2021 monday. Google celebrates its birthday on the home page.

The animated doodle features a cake with ’23’ written on its top and a birthday candle substituting the word ‘L’ of ‘Google’.

Google was co-founded by the Sergey Brin and Larry Page in 1998. Today, Google is one of the most-widely used search engine in the world. Sundar Pichai is its current CEO who succeded Larry Page on October 24, 2015.

“In 1997, Sergey Brin, a graduate student at Stanford University, just so happened to be assigned to show Larry Page, who was considering Stanford for graduate school at the time, around campus. By the next year, the two Google co-founders were building a search engine together in their dorm rooms and developing their first prototype. In 1998, Google Inc. was officially born”, Google said.

In 2015, Google was reorganised as subsidiary of Alphabet Inc. Google is the biggest subsidiary of Alphabet. After this reorganisation, Sundar Pichai became the CEO of Google and Larry Page became the CEO of Alphabet. In 2019, Sundar Pichai also became the Alphabet’s CEO.

“Every day, there are billions of searches on Google in more than 150 languages around the globe, and while much has changed from the early days of Google, from its first server housed in a cabinet built out of toy blocks to its servers now being housed in more than 20 data centers globally, its mission of making the world’s information accessible to everyone remains the same”, Google wrote on its website.

Today, Google is the owner of many products and services as well. Youtube and Blogger are also one of the biggest platforms of Google. In 2006, Youtube was bought by Google.

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